Monday, January 26, 2009

"Dealing With Me"

People say that your Friends are a reflection of who you are in some aspects that is true but i have great friends but i think my case is dealing with my emotions and i guess what im experiencing spiritual to cause sometimes i just feel like im being pulled two different directions and believe it or not it stressful and its hard to talk to someone about cause you just get so frustrated plus alot of other stuff on top of that probably in the home its hard living with a house full of people but i try to make the best of it, its just hard to keep trouble down i will just feel better in my own place with my family. Me personally i just want to be better person father,husband, i want to be easier i get along with in the home cause im not i just dont get along with the other women of the house i mean we get along but its not hard to stirr up anything i want to go to church more or really get more into it, i mean i can go to church and come home and not remember a thing i heard i want to study more and make church a bigger part of me i think that would help me alot more then any other solution i can think of. Another problem i have is that i have an anger issue and i mean i know it may run in the family, but i can't blame my family ya know anyone cause well is not my fault i get it from blah blah this or that person but i believe unless you have a disorder you can determine the outcome of what you do, but me i just don't think before i do stuff i just fly off the handle i mean i won't admit it but i know myself i have some growing up to do in some areas so just gotta have some patients with me lol but that's all for now

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I'm amazed at how grownup you sound in this blog. I'm really proud of you for writing this. And I seriously hope that getting some of the stuff you've been keeping inside...just getting it out on here!...will help you some. I love you so much and I'm truly proud of you.
